Brick Bones

PAULYWORLD 2099 is a Creative Universe within the DESIGNED BY PAULY STEEZ brand. Inspired by 2099 In the Marvel Universe, my vision aims to infuse visual art, creative story telling, music, and media to create dynamic stories and characters that will live on for decades. So I’ll let Brick Bones do the honors, “Hey Punk, don’t worry about who I am just yet. Just know that I am a bad ass mother fucker.” -Yeah he can be very aggressive, sorry.


Brick Bones is a retired professional fighter by the time we meet him in the story. Standing at 6’2, 240 pounds. He is a fighter whose knack for beating his opponents to death is his opt for defeat. A law was made in his honor after his defeat of Johnny Knacks, that resulted in Johnny’s face having to be sculpted back on by Surgeons and Artists. Brick Bones was the second youngest heavyweight champion after Mike Tyson, and lived up to the hype holding his belt for a record 10 years straight.


Height: 6’2

Weight: 240 lbs

Trunk Colors: White & Blood Red (Heavy Emphasis on the Blood)

Build: Muscular - With Bones peaking through important muscle builds like the biceps, deltoids, and jaw structure. Due to Bone’s adamant structure, and reported Steroid Use in the 2070s and 80s, his body didn’t fully “Skelefy” during the nuclear fall out after the Tech Wars. So he still appears as half human, half skeleton.

Expect to see more of Brick Bones in the coming future, as The Adventures of Skelly will air through comic form in summer 2024.